Thank you so much for your application to enroll a Little.
What's next?
1. A program manager will begin processing your application and reach out to you within 48 hours.
2. We will set up an interview with our professional staff to discuss your child's interests, background, and preferences to help find a great match with a Big.
3. When we think we have a Big who would be a good fit, we will call you to share information about the potential match*. If you and the Little and agree that the match sounds suitable, we will set up a match meeting to introduce everyone. At this point, the match relationship begins!
4. Once a match is made, Big Brothers Big Sisters' high-quality Standards of Practice require ongoing contact with Bigs, Littles, and parents.
For community-based matches, that means a monthly connection to confirm that Big and Little are getting along well, ensure child safety, and support the relationship.
School-and-site-based programs will have an initial second-week check-in with the parent/guardian and monthly check-ins with Bigs and Littles.
* Please understand that the wait for a suitable match can be lengthy, as our ability to match children depends entirely on the needs and personalities of Bigs and Littles.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time during the process.