Sometimes the best place to help a child realize their potential is at school. Kids enjoy having their Bigs meet with them there, whether it’s in the classroom or on the playground. School can be a safe outlet to release any anxiety they may be feeling and help them refocus for their continued learning.
In our school-based Lunch Buddies program Bigs and Littles meet at the same time and place each week. They might share a lunch hour, play checkers, work on a project, or just have a good conversation!
• Adults and High School students
• 1–year commitment (during school in session times)
• Approximately 1 hour per week with your Little
• Ability to travel to school settings
Some of the biggest supporters of our School-Based Mentoring program are teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, and principals. They see students come back from their time with their Big filled with confidence, smiling big, ready to learn, and eager to succeed.
Although it takes place at schools, our School-Based Mentoring program isn’t limited to the classroom. Of course, some Littles do talk with their Bigs about class, do homework, or read together, but it’s perfectly fine to shoot hoops in the gym or play cards. At the end of the day, it’s really all about starting a friendship, providing guidance, and inspiring them to reach their potential. The conversations that happen when their minds and hands are busy at work are undeniably impactful.
At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick, we have tremendous confidence in our ability to impact children and put them on the right path.